Why do we need an ERA?
The U.S. is the only major nation whose founding document has not protected its citizens against sex discrimination. We live in a country that until now did not include women in its Constitution, except for the right to vote. Now that the ERA has met all constitutional requirements, it is considered by many legal experts to be our 28th Amendment. However, serious legal challenges lie ahead. The ERA will be contested in court in the coming years.
The ERA will give full civil rights to women and will protect all people from gender discrimination. ​We do have some laws that protect against sex discrimination, but they are hard to enforce. Laws can be overturned by Congress and thrown out by courts (Roe v. Wade). A constitutional amendment places equality at the foundation of law, giving it the strictest respect in the courts, and bringing an 18th century Constitution into the 21st century.
These are some of the issues an ERA addresses.
Wait, didn't the ERA already pass?
Yes, but the fight continues...
The ERA did pass Congress in 1972, resoundingly. But it was stalled in the 1980's when congressional rules and an ugly political campaign prevented its full ratification. See the ERA timeline here. Then it sat, mutely - until 2017, 2018 and 2020 when the final three states ratified.
The required 38 states have now ratified the federal ERA. President Biden affirmed this before he left office. However, court cases and persistent opposition continue to prevent its full recognition.
​It has been 101 years since the Amendment was first introduced and our fight continues.
Watch this terrific documentary film (2024) about Virginia's ratification of the ERA. Watch it here!
​Many amendments have been challenged after ratification and the ERA is no different. This is a normal judicial process. However, the opposition to those rights, from particular religious and business interests, assures us that this process will be contentious.
Opinion polls show that the American public strongly supports women's legal equality. Prominent legal opinions support the position that the ERA can now be considered the 28th Amendment as it has met all provisions of Article V of the U.S. Constitution.
The American Bar Association has issued a statement considering the ERA as the 28th Amendment. The League of Women Voters and many other groups have endorsed the legitimacy of the ERA. As the Amendment is challenged in court and in public opinion, we need every voice raised in its defense. ​
The work ahead is more important than ever as the new administration is quickly working to restrict the rights of women and other groups.
Watch our 7-minute video
to hear the story of the ERA.
Why do we need a Maine state ERA?
With the federal ERA still under attack...

Until the 28th Amendment is fully recognized as part of the U.S. Constitution, states are looking to their own state constitutions for those protections.
... we need a Maine state ERA!

Maine ratified the federal ERA in 1974 yet does not prohibit sex discrimination in its own state constitution.
Twenty-eight states now prohibit sex discrimination in their state constitutions with Delaware and Nevada (2022) and New York (2024) being recent additions.
There will be a Maine ERA Resolution introduced in the next Maine legislature. Stay tuned.​
Equality provisions in state constitutions

What are we doing at Equal Rights Maine?
​We are a growing group of citizens demanding that the ERA be fully recognized as the 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and working for a state ERA for Maine.
We hold public workshops and debates. We work with organizations, students and legislators.
We are working with a growing group supporting the Maine ERA - MAINE ERA for All! Join us there.
We have made progress, but real change always needs more voices, more support, more ‘good trouble’ to make it happen.
What can I do?
We need to show that Mainers support the ERA as we advocate with our legislators. Join our list of supporters. Spread the word, help grow our numbers!
Be informed.
Read this website. Watch our 7-minute video ERA in a Nutshell.
Sign up for updates and Action steps
Join the Community Team Meetings each Monday, 5:00-5:30
How can I speak up?
Talk to your family, your friends, your neighbors.
Contact your Maine legislators to ask them for support for a state ERA.
Become an ERA Ambassador with Maine ERA for All!
Organize a Maine ERA talk in your community. We'll help.
Sign this Petition about an ERA for Maine
Plan a virtual screening of RATIFIED with friends and neighbors.
DONATE - we need your help!​​​​
Banner image courtesy of Patrisha McLean; Violence Against Women thumbnail image courtesy of EPA